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Axinn Partner Michael Keeley Speaks to Reuters on NBA Antitrust Lawsuit
November 3, 2011

Michael Keeley, a partner in the firm’s Antitrust and Litigation & Regulatory practices, spoke with Reuters regarding National Basketball Association (NBA) owners’ launch of an antitrust lawsuit against itself. In the lawsuit, the owners asked the U.S. Second District Court to decide if the NBA lockout was legal under antitrust laws. "It is a pre-emptive strike,"Mr. Keeley said. He noted that by seizing the initiative, the NBA may have gained home field advantage by filing their lawsuit in the Second District Court, which has traditionally been favorable to the ownership side on issues. "The threat of decertification and a lawsuit by the players gives them some degree of leverage," said Mr. Keeley. "The owners are trying to defuse that by bringing their own lawsuit.

The article, titled, “Anti-trust Gambit Could Hold Key to Ending NBA Lockout,” was published by Reuters on November 3, 2011.  Click here for a copy of the article:

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