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Axinn Assisted Actavis in Resolving Ten-Year-Old Dispute with Pfizer
March 1, 2012

"Axinn assisted Actavis in resolving a ten-year-old dispute with Pfizer over its Neurontin (gabapentin) epilepsy drug during the jury trial of the case.  Pfizer sued Purepac/Actavis, Teva and IVAX in 2000, claiming that their generic gabapentin products infringed a Pfizer patent on specific gabapentin formulations, and resulting in Pfizer losing $2 billion in the first year of generic competition.  Actavis succeeded at trial in barring several of Pfizer's expert witness opinions on the patent infringement issue.  The companies had completed two weeks of what was expected to be a six-week jury trial before the settlement was announced. 

Axinn's Fran Morrison, who led the Actavis trial team, stated, "We are thrilled to be able to assist Actavis in resolving this case on favorable terms, and in avoiding a significant claim for damages. The outcome of the case reflects the hard work of the Actavis management and legal teams, and the Axinn trial team.  We expect that Actavis will continue to prosper as it moves beyond this long-running dispute."

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